How Much are AMEX Points Worth?

Getting a credit card is one of the great things that can happen to you, and if you get one from American Express, things can get even better. There are services that different financial companies have to benefit the consumer, and AMEX points are one of them. The American Express

How Long Does it Take for Gap Insurance to Pay?

Having car insurance can help a lot with problems regarding car accidents. It can offer different benefits depending on the plan you choose, but everything revolves on your vehicle. If your car is stolen or can no longer operate due to a collision, your insurance will cover a part of

Is It Illegal to Have Two Health Insurance Providers?

Having a health insurance plan helps a lot when it comes to paying really expensive medical bills. Depending on the established policy, it can offer different benefits and amounts of coverage. However, is there a way to have two health insurance providers instead of one? The answer is yes! You

How Often do Car Insurance Companies Check Your Driving Record?

It is no surprise that your insurance company needs the information about your driving record. When you decide on the insurance plan that you want, you will have to provide details about yourself, but another type of documentation they will evaluate before approving the plan is this record. It is

When Will the IRS Accept 2021 Tax Returns?

Generally, the tax season in the U.S is from January 1 to April 15 of each year. If the last date falls on weekends or holidays, it is moved to the next business day. At this time, individual taxpayers prepare their previous year’s financial statements and reports and submit them

Pros and Cons of Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-term care insurance policy comes in various forms. The basic plan will only offer a few thousand dollars of lifetime coverage to cover a few hours a day. In contrast, extensive policies provide several hundred thousand dollars to cover an extended stay in a nursing home or residential facility. However,

List of Worst Long-Term Care Insurance Companies

No one wants to spend his retirement life in a long-term facility. However, the odds are that you will require some type of long-term care at old age. Statistics show that about 69% of people over 65 years of age will need long-term assistance from insurance companies. Long-term care provides

Calculating Capital Gains Tax on Sales of Property

If you ever bought assets at low cost and now they are worth more than what you paid for, you might be preparing to sell those assets. It feels incredible to get a high price for your investments. After all, the right property can be a source of revenue that

What is the 1040 extension?

Every beginning of the year, until the month of April, we must comply with our tax liability of filing and paying our federal taxes. But many times, the deadline is getting closer and we still don’t have our taxes ready, this is when we ask ourselves: what can we do?

How to find out if I owe the IRS money, online?

When tax season is coming, we know that we should keep our money to pay our IRS debts. Paying our taxes is a responsibility that we have as citizens and we must comply with our tax liability. Owing money to the IRS may become a situation that would affect our